7 Ways to Bring that Retreat Feeling Home

Nature + Nurture Weekend Women's Retreat
"Retreat: A place and time for you to get reaquainted with you; the ebb in the ebb and flow; a solitary sanctuary for renewal; a safe haven; a snug den; a refuge."  - Corrie Woods

This year I've had the honor of leading 3 incredibly powerful women's retreats. Not all the yoga retreats I lead are solely for women. It just turned out that this year the stars aligned for more feminine energy. 

And after I did the math, I realized this last retreat marked my 18th retreat! Wow, it's been quite a journey! 

Each time I come home from a yoga retreat I am re-inspired and reminded of all the magic that happens when we step away from everyday life + immerse ourselves in healthy practices for body, mind and soul. I am reminded WHY I love to do this, how lucky I am to do this kind of work, how much we ALL need to retreat every once and awhile (myself included).

And most importantly, it's not just about what happens on retreat, but how we bring that energy home - back into the our relationships, our work, and how we continue to show up in the world. Retreats are an opportunity for us to be remember how we want to live our lives. 

Here are 7 ways to bring that retreat feeling into your daily life: 

  1. Intentional breaks from everyday life are ESSENTIAL to your wellbeing. Sometimes it takes a little effort and planning to make it happen, but it's totally worth it! Whether it's a retreat, or taking the day off, walking away from your desk for some fresh air, or even stopping to close your eyes and breathe before getting out the car, taking time to pause can help you clear out negative energy and stress + support your overall wellbeing.  
  2. Energy is contagious! When you surround yourself with amazing, positive, supportive people, your own light shines brighter too. You then continue to pass on this energy to those around you too.
  3. Digital Detox is a powerful way to recharge on a cellular level. No wifi, no cell phone, no social media, or phone calls to return. Without your techy devices,  it's a whole lot easier to become fully present, more grounded, more open, and more connected (within and with others). 
  4. Sunsets and sunsets are magic, and they happen everyday. We just need to remember to watch them. 
  5. Eating clean, healthy, delicious slow food meals is a nourishing + soulful experience. And when we eat together in community, amidst a beautiful setting, with great conversation, and without the urgency to get to the next thing, the whole experience is so much more satisfying. 
  6. Laughter and play are essential to health. Whether it's playing with handstands, doing art with friends, playing games (Bananagrams!), or simply sharing funny stories, this kind of energy feeds the soul! And it doesn't have to happen in big structured activities. You can simply infuse a little more play and joy into everyday. 
  7. Mindfulness comes in all shapes and forms: sitting on the mat with your eyes closed, taking a nature walk, drinking a cup of tea on the porch, or looking at the stars or clouds or other beautiful things in nature. Mindfulness is a practice of simply paying attention to what you are currently doing and experiencing. 

Now, I know none of these ideas are new. We know this stuff. It totally makes sense, right? But most of us need a little reminding from time to time (myself included)! So that's why we practice....EVERYDAY.   

You can check out the photo galleries below to see some of the fun memories from my most recent retreats. 

Also,if you're feeling the itch to get away soon, my next retreat is coming up this December, the Om for the Holidays Retreat in Sayulita, Mexico. You can learn all about it here. 

Cheers to your health, happiness, and wellbeing. 




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Nature + Nurture Women's Retreat

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