How to Savasana At Home
Savasana is the art of doing nothing, complete surrender, letting go, resting, releasing, renewing.
We all need this- kids and grown-ups alike. It doesn’t have to be fancy. You can simply lie down and close your eyes, breathe, and be. The longer you stay, the deeper the rest. But I’m also a big fan of the mini-power savasanas (like in between Zoom calls, phone calls, and transitioning from work to family life).
Here are a few tips for doing savasana on your own AT HOME
Savasana is the art of doing nothing, complete surrender, letting go, resting, releasing, renewing.
We all need this- kids and grown-ups alike. It doesn’t have to be fancy. You can simply lie down and close your eyes, breathe, and be. The longer you stay, the deeper the rest.
But I’m also a big fan of the mini-power savasanas (like in between Zoom calls, phone calls, and transitioning from work to family life).
Here are a few tips for doing savasana on your own AT HOME
Be warm. When you’re warm enough, it’s easier to relax. And even the weight of a blanket can also feel comforting.
Quiet Space- Shut the door, turn off notifications, and let your household know you’ll be unavailable for a bit. You can settle into silence. Or if you prefer to have some sound, turn on some calming music or ambient sound.
Darkness- Close your eyes. If you have an eye pillow or towel to put over your eyes, that feels really nice too!
Comfort- Use a small pillow or folded blanket under your head. If your low back needs support, you can also put a pillow or bolster under your knees.
Aromatherapy- Put a drop of essential oil into your hands and rub together. Cup your hands by face and take a few slow breaths. This helps to quickly come into present moment, connect with breath, and cultivate calm. Their is science behind this! Our sense of smell connects with the part of the brain where we store emotions and memories.
Oils I love for savasana
Breathing Buddy- For kids, grab a stuffed animal to put on belly for emotional support. Grown-ups can do this too!
Stillness- Get the wiggles out, make whatever adjustments you need to feel more balanced & comfortable. Then settle in to stillness.
Time- Give yourself this time! Whether it’s 5 min, or 20 min, embrace the time and space to let go of everything else.
Repeat Daily!!
Lighten Up _ Stress Relief with Aromatherapy & EFT Tapping During 2020 Social Distancing
During this unique time of social distancing, self quarantine, and doing our best to stay healthy and safe (mind, body, and soul), we have the opportunity (and necessity) to deepen our self care practices.
Join me with my amazing friend and EFT Coach Sarah Rogers Nesper for a dose of stress relief with aromatherapy, mindfulness and EFT tapping.
I’ve worked with Sarah for years and she’s helped me tremendously through times of stress, worry, anxiety, and clearing old painful emotions. Sarah is a certified professional coach & therapist with over 20 years experience. She uses a focus-forward approach to help clients break down personal barriers allowing them to live their best lives.
During this unique time of social distancing, self quarantine, and doing our best to stay healthy and safe (mind, body, and soul), we have the opportunity (and necessity) to deepen our self care practices.
Join me with my amazing friend and EFT Coach Sarah Rogers Nesper for a dose of stress relief with aromatherapy, mindfulness and EFT tapping.
I’ve worked with Sarah for years and she’s helped me tremendously through times of stress, worry, anxiety, and clearing old painful emotions. Sarah is a certified professional coach & therapist with over 20 years experience. She uses a focus-forward approach to help clients break down personal barriers allowing them to live their best lives.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping has the potential to very quickly neutralize stressful, negative emotions, giving you a new and hopeful perspective.
Stress and trauma are stored in our limbic system, one of the oldest parts of our brain. Our limbic system developed pre-verbally, which is why years of talk therapy often do not reach the core energetics of our stored trauma.
EFT tapping (using your own fingertips on specific meridians located on the head and upper body) sends a tiny electromagnetic pulse that down-regulates the limbic system and lets the brain and nervous system know "it's okay." The Tapping releases the stressful negative emotions associated with painful memories and relegates these emotions to a more neutral part of the brain.
Easy to learn EFThas been used with great success all over the world helping people regain their lives sometimes in the most difficult of circumstances
In this practice we also incorporate essential oils to quickly get present, support our mood, anchor our intentions, and shield our energy for the day.
Our sense of smell is so connected our the the part of our brains where we hold emotions and memories. When we combine aromatherapy with meditation and setting intentions for how we want to feel/ be, we can use that aroma as a powerful anchor for that experience.
So grab your Frankincense & On Guard oil if you have it for this practice!